How much do all-on-6 dental implants cost in Mexico?


Imagine smiling with your family and friends at your favorite restaurant.

You proudly show your new beautiful smile and bite on a medium-well steak without any problem.

Well, it doesn’t have to be just a dream. Dental implants are the best lifelong investment you could ever make!

But we know what you are thinking, how can you afford them without mortgaging your house, requesting a loan, or using your retirement funds?


The answer has four words: dental implant services abroad! Specifically in México.

Did you know that you can save up to 15,000 dollars by doing dental tourism in this country?

Some patients even save 20,000 to 50,000 dollars when getting their smiles back.

If you would like to have an idea of the cost before traveling to Mexico, you’ve probably asked yourself:

  • How much does a dental procedure cost in Mexico vs. the US?
  • What are the different types of dental implant procedures available?
  • How much do all-on-6 dental implants cost in Mexico?
  • Is it possible to save on the cost of dental implants in Mexico, including travel expenses?

All on 6 dental implants will cost you around USD $29,500 in the United States. On the other hand, all-on-6 dental implants cost in Mexico are around USD $12,500. That’s more than 50% savings!

Dental implant costs depend on how many implants you need per jaw. The number of dental implants varies according to the strength and thickness of your jawbone.

If you are on a budget, the specialist can suggest the minimum number of implants to support a full mouth of teeth.

Many options are available regarding dental procedures, from all-on-6 dental implants to a single dental prosthesis.

And suppose you want to save money, including travel expenses. In that case, you’ll be glad to hear that Previa Implant Center is located in the golden area of Tijuana, Mexico, just 10 minutes away from the border.

Plus, we offer transportation from the border crossing line to the clinic and back.

There are many gastronomic areas in the surroundings. And you can stay in the hotel to recover from the surgery properly.

Together, we will achieve outstanding results related to your smile.

Contact us to receive a dental implant consultation and determine which procedure is best for your dental needs.

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